Because Being a Grandma Rocks

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I never had one, but I am one now.

A grandma!

Yup! It’s not something I thought about much in between baseball practice and guitar lessons with my two little guys. But my boys are now men and they have lives of their own. Today, our life is a far cry from the crazy loud lives we enjoyed with two rambunctious boys, an unending to-do list, and little time for rest.

 But here we are, Abuela and PapaOur nest is empty but our hearts and arms are still full.

And being a grandma is sawweeeeet!

It’s not just that you can spoil those sweet little things rotten and then send them home. (Although that’s really an added bonus)

And it’s not because you’re older and wiser, so you don’t make the same mistakes with them as you did with your own kids. (Although you’ll still make ‘Grandma’ mistakes)

And it’s not because grandmas get to bake chocolate cookies and eat a dozen of them with her grandchildren before they ever cool off. (Although that’s a fun excuse for eating lots of chocolate!)

But, for me, there are a ton of things I love about being a grandma. Things like…

  • Seeing little glimpses of my son in the things she says and does.
  • Watching my son parent his daughter with a gentle heart and a father’s love.
  • Seeing my daughter-in-law love her little girl to Jesus by the way she lives her life in front of her.
  • Knowing how hard parenting can be and being a helping hand and a listening heart.
  • Knowing how hard marriage can be and walking with them when the road gets rough.
  • Laughing at the funny things our grandgirl says and does.
  • Playing games together and teaching her that playing games is more about having fun than beating someone else.
  • Walking around the block, play day at Chick-fil-a, drawing flowers with sidewalk chalk, and chasing butterflies in the backyard together.

There are a ton of things that make being a grandma so amazing.

But most of all…it’s the joy that floods our hearts when that sweet little grandgirl promenades herself through the front door, runs up to us and wraps her arms around our legs as tight as her little arms can squeeze and cries, “Papa! Vela!” (she’s still working on Abuela). 😉

But being a grandma comes with oodles of opportunities to pour your life into your children again… and into their children… and if God gives you enough years, maybe even into their children’s children.

The beauty of generations is that you have the privilege and the responsibility to pass your faith onto your children and your grandchildren. To help them discover the faithfulness of God and the wonder of knowing Him. To share the precious times when He has answered your prayers, intervened in your life, changed your circumstances, and helped you through what He would not change.

You’re a mentoring maven with years of experience and lots of love, and your children and grandchildren are the recipients of all that God has done for you, with you and through you. So pass it on, sweet grandma! Be purposeful and pass it on!

“Only take heed to yourself, and diligently keep yourself, lest you forget the things your eyes have seen, and lest they depart from your heart all the days of your life. And teach them to your children and your grandchildren” ~ Deuteronomy 4:9

And beauty and joy of being a grandma is universal! It doesn’t matter what continent you live on, what country you live in, what culture you’re a part of…being a grandma rocks! 



Here’s a sweet song I found on YouTube I thought you grandmas would appreciate:

If you’re having trouble viewing the video, please click this link.

Are you a grandma? If so, do you see yourself as a mentor to your children and your grandchildren? Would you consider joining us in our mission mentor other mommas? 




Stephanie Shott
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