Moms: When Being the “Fall Guy” is a Good Thing

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One of my friends recently told me about how she had to be the “fall guy” to help her daughter, Kylie, get out of an awkward situation with some friends. I was really impressed and told her I’d be sharing this great parenting tip with the M.O.M. Initiative readers. 

Here’s what happened. Kylie and some friends recently got together for a sleepover at a friends house. It was late, the parents had gone to bed and one of the girls, who was new to this group of friends, suggested they sneak out and go hang out with some guys from school who were having a sleepover a few blocks away. All of the girls were on board except Kylie. She knew sneaking out wasn’t a good idea and that she would get in trouble.

Not wanting to be a stick in the mud or get a hard time from her friends, she turned to her mom for help.

Kylie discreetly texted her mom: “911”.


Girl texting

Almost immediately her phone rang. It was Kylie’s mom. Something “urgent” had come up at home and she was coming to pick Kylie up right away.

My friend told me she and her husband came up with a great way for their kids to get out of awkward situations by making their parents the “fall guy”. They call it the “911 Text”. At any time, their kids can send a text to their parents that says “911”. The parents instantly deploy in their kids’ defense.

I love it. While I think it’s important for our kids to learn to stand firm against peer pressure, there are some times that our kids need us to back them up.

I’m curious what you think. Do you think Kylie should have told her friends she thought sneaking out was a bad idea, or do you think having a back up plan is a good idea? Do you ever bail your kids out of socially awkward situations? Please share your opinions in the comments.

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Stephanie Shott
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