Because They are Listening

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“Jesus help me,” I whispered barely audible. My last nerve pulled tight.

My eyes flashed with anger. Hot words piled up in my mind begging to be released. “Jesus,” I breathed. “I can’t do this. Help me. Please help me.”

“Mommy, why are you saying help me?”

I didn’t even know she could hear me. “I am frustrated sweetheart and I don’t want to do or say anything in anger. So I asked Jesus to help me – do what is right and be a good mommy.”

“Oh,” she wrinkled her nose and ran off.

Our kids actually listen. When I have to ask the same child to pick up the same toy ten times I begin to wonder, but they do listen.

Our kids watch how we handle life. They see and hear us as we struggle with anger, fear, or frustration. They know when we blow it big time and when we hit a home run.

Because they are watching and listening we mamas need to:

1. Ask for forgiveness when we make a mistake

2. Ask Jesus for help when we are frustrated or mad.

3. Sing songs of praise when things are going well.

4. Be willing to explain our tears when we are sad.

5. Pray for wisdom when we don’t know what to do.

6. Ask for help when we are over our heads.

7. Use the Bible to answer questions or direct behavior (for our kids and ourselves).

Our blessings are watching and listening. Let us be examples worth following.

Stephanie Shott
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