40 Weeks of Growing Trust

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The test stick turns pink, and suddenly your whole world changes. Within days you may start to feel your body change, and new thoughts cross your mind that you never considered before.  How will life change professionally, intimately, financially, and physically? With the passing of each day on the calendar, you may feel like time is running out to get a firm hold on the coming addition to your family and the changes to your world.  Forty weeks will pass faster than you think, and the urge to be in control may grow right along with the size of your tummy and your belly button! But pregnancy is not just about growing a baby; it’s about growing our trust.

While the egg grows into an embryo with arm buds and hiccups, God uses the same weeks to take a woman’s heart and prepare her for the task of motherhood. Stretch marks might show up on her hips, but they’ll also show up on her heart. While we prepare a nursery and read up on nursing and pre-school, we also need to grow our ability to trust God.

You won’t find it on a baby registry or wrapped up to be received at a shower, but trust in God is a mother’s greatest resource. Many new moms learn early on that we cannot be in control of our conception, though we long to conceive. We can’t be in control our baby’s arrival, though we long to schedule. We can’t be in control of our delivery, though we develop a birthing plan. When our bundle of joy starts to eat cereal, roll over, crawl, ride a bike, or get on a school bus, mothers are reminded over and over that we cannot control the events in those who call us “Mommy” and own our hearts. We must trust the Heavenly Father to do what’s best for our treasures and to watch over them.

Thankfully, unlike us, our Father is not limited and given to sleep deprivation. He sees the future and knows the past. We may not be able to grasp it, but He is totally sufficient to watch over our little ones and to give us all we need to be the mommies He has called us to be.

“ Do you not know?  Have you not heard?  The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth.  He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom.  He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.”  Isaiah 40:28-29

Sweet mom-to-be, if there’s a baby growing inside your belly, let your trust in the tireless Heavenly Father grow in your heart. Even now, He is watching over your baby’s life, and He will not ever stop.

By Julie Sanders

Julie Sanders