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From the time the chromosomes collide, fertilization takes place and a baby begins its journey in life.

It takes about three days for the baby to makes its way to the womb where it will reside for the next 39 weeks or so. But make no mistake about it, this little life tucked in your tummy is now your child.

Scientifically speaking the processs goes something like this:

After ovulation the egg which has been released into your fallopian tubes awaits fertilization. When one sperm cell penetrates a mature egg it becomes a fertilized egg and instantly the sex of the baby is determined.

The fertilized egg (called a Zygote) then takes a few days to travel down the fallopian tube where it will attach itself (called implantation) to the wall of the womb and remain there until the baby in born.

Medically, your precious baby is called an embryo from the moment of conception to the eighth week of pregnancy. From the eighth week until birth your baby is called a fetus.

It’s a beautifully complicated process that reminds us of how great our God is. Think about it! Your precious cargo is a Divine design – carefully crafted by the Creator of the Universe!

Sweet mom, there are a host of wonderous happenings taking place in your womb as your baby develops. I know it can be a little scary, but aren’t you glad you can rest in the fact that God has a plan for that little life and that God has a plan for you?

“You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb. Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it.” Psalm 139:13-14

Stephanie Shott
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